

I studied accountancy for a year, and then switched to business economy. Accounting is always ex-post, after the facts. Business economy is a bit more hands on.

My first job was rather broad, sysop, programmer, and compiling the yearly budget for a steel structure firm from 1995-1997.

I worked from 1998-1999 as assistent project controller on a rather large 800 million dollar construction project for the dutch steel company Hoogovens (Tata Steel, nowadays). That also included some custom financial software programming.

After that, from 2000 tot 2001, I worked for a dutch utilities comany, Nuon (Vattenfall these days), developing and programming an accounting system to process the invoices of the Dutch National Railroads gas and electricity, supplying the data with an EDI interface to national railroads.

After that I was quite fed up with accounting and had some personal matters to attend to.

When I was done sailing, I worked five years as bookkeeper, for the sailing company.

I covered a lot of aspects of accounting, the basic bookkeeping, the control work, and developing accounting systems.

Still, it isn’t my favorite kind of work.


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