crashing clippers

Hi, quick post. I haven’t responded to some questions yet, sorry, and to be frank I doubt I’ll be having much time to dig into scripting the coming months, we’ll be sailing full-time till september. Sailing season started at the end of march and we’ve been cruising around the lakes and islands with groups of guests.

Yes, that is far better than working in finance or IT :)

Yesterday we set new records with an 8bft wind in our back sailing to the islands, but for today we decided to give it a rest after two clippers collided in the harbor. Quite spectacular, the sound of 3 inch cables snapping and beams breaking. Clippers are roughly twice the size of a barge, weighing in at 150 tons and measuring 120ft. As today there is apparently a bit too much wind today even for the bigger ships to handle, we had a word with our guests and decided to stay docked for today. Sometimes a 60ft barge is really very small :)

So we just hang around on one of the islands (23c sunny warm weather, wish you were here).

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