
Trackbacks are used primarily to facilitate communication between blogs; if a blogger writes a new entry commenting on, or referring to, an entry found at another blog, and both blogging tools support the TrackBack protocol, then the commenting blogger can notify the other blog with a “TrackBack ping”; the receiving blog will typically display summaries of, and links to, all the commenting entries below the original entry. This allows for conversations spanning several blogs that readers can easily follow.

curl trackbacks

I figure i’d blog a post on trackback linkbuilding. A trackback is … (post a few and you’ll get it). The trackback protocol isn’t that interesting, but the implementation of it by blog-platforms and cms’es makes it an excellent means for network development, because it uses a simple http-post. cUrl makes that easy). To post […]

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Trackbacks are brilliant stuff. I programmed a trackback module into the trends script yesterday just to see what it yields. As long as you don’t use it to spam and stick to common standards, it’s the fastest deep link building method available. I noticed another trends script is also using trackbacks. GTrends lists an average

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