The latest articles on Juust

cryptocurrency metrics : market cap versus invested capital

A page about Bitcoin’s total invested capital (per november 2021) and it’s relation to Bitcoin market cap.

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Juust Out 23/11/2021
bitcoin cryptocurrency juust was hacked on 12th october 2021

Thanks to Firefox Monitor, I was notified last night that CoinMarketCap was breached on october 12th recently. According to the information from Firefox Monitor (who get their data from "Have I Been Pwned") the hackers only got email addresses. So far, so good. What bothers me, here in the Netherlands

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Juust Out 23/10/2021
blockchain cryptocurrency juust

First Bitcoin ETF approved by SEC ?

Major news today ! Well, news, it is still a rumour... the SEC seems to have finally allowed a Bitcoin ETF. ProShares announced the launch of a Bitcoin ETF (Futures tracker) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on monday 18th 2021. It will trade with the BITO ticker. The

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Juust Out 16/10/2021

Free Elementor Tutorials on Youtube

A list with some excellent (free) Elementor tutorials on Youtube.

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Juust Out 20/04/2021
juust wordpress

Pump and dump and the good thing about bubbles

When I started out in the Coiniverse back in 2014, there was not much action. I made some money on exchange-coins, mining, anything. Beginners luck, often. I tinkered with the exchange apis, just having fun and scouting the scene. I stumbled on a shitcoin pump-and-dump group working on Bittrex. I

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Juust Out 05/10/2020
bitcoin blockchain cryptocurrency juust

Misss Bitcoin rocks !

This is our secret weapon : Madelon Vos aka Misss Bitcoin. Eat your heart out over there in China and America. Ariana Grande is something to be surpassed, we present Madelon Vos. She is the cream of the crop, the best of the generation. She's got the looks, and she's

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Juust Out 15/06/2020
bitcoin juust

CRO, the exchange coin, is interesting

I am a bit late to the party this time, CRO already had a nice bull run over the last month. Normally I am not wild about coins with a large maximum supply (in this case 100 billion, with 17 billion in the market place) because it takes a lot

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Juust Out 08/06/2020
cryptocurrency juust

Herd immunity is not going to work

That was part the talk of the town last week, 'herd immunity'. Most countries hit by Corona opted for a lockdown to get the Corona outbreak under control, with 'harsh' measures with a massive impact on the economy. The dutch government chose a different approach, with some 'soft' constraining measures

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Juust Out 25/03/2020
juust trends

5 threats to Bitcoin

Are there any actual threats to Bitcoin ? A short list with some ideas about that.

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Juust Out 15/09/2019
bitcoin blockchain cryptocurrency juust
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